Delivery Service Mapping


Pizza delivery can be a sophisticated business.  This local company has chosen a series of maps, using our detailed Integrated Map base to illustrates their delivery zones.  Apartment & condominium development (with number of units) are illustrated clearly, along with street names, addresses, and many business names.

Detail of above map

Closer examination of this map shows delivery zones and delivery numbers.  This information is kept on file at Kroll for easy updates. 


Delivery and Dispatch means more than finding your destination - you need to define your area of service and determine rates (if applicable) for your delivery zones.  Often times our clients will ask us to design maps that illustrate the areas that are covered by their service and define for the information of their clients, zones that dictate delivery charges.  This map provides that information in an easy-to-read format for internal use as well in the form of a handout for customers.


Don't need customization - just a custom print of your delivery area?

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