Mapping for Marketing


Need demographic data represented in a clear and coherent manner on an easy-to-ready map?  Many of our clients turn to us to represent their information with color values by ZIP Code to reflect data  such as employee, client, and/or sales densities.  The advantage of using our mapping lies in our ability to craft a map graphic that uses our proven mapping, that reflects clearly and accurately, your information.

At Kroll we recognize that there are numerous approaches to displaying your data.  We can help you decide which method best conveys your information, whether it is the data base driven GIS approach, or the use of our traditional digital cartography with custom overlays.



At first glance, this Washington State map might appear to be a very simple graphic, however the red dots represent thousands of locations that were batch processed from a spreadsheet.  These dots represent locations that would be effected by a State ballot issues.  The regeneration of these points was animated and incorporated into television commercials that supported a view on a State ballot initiative.

Turn your spreadsheets into maps!  This example demonstrates a "scaled - symbol" approach to the display of clients per town/city.  This map took only minutes to generate and displays tabular information geographically, and with symbols that allow for easy identification of the locations with the highest and lowest client counts.


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