Waste and Recycling Services


Our Integrated Map base serves as the reliable foundation for thousands of custom waste/recycle maps. The maps are delivered in both hard copy and electronic form and clearly depict streets, addresses, schools, business names and the client's proprietary route information.

Detailed route maps are complimented by the use of more generalized cartography that allows you to step back and view your regions and districts in their entirety.  Regions are color-coded to reflect your specific boundary information in a coherent map graphic.




These custom maps can be annotated with detail that relates to specific driver, city and/or resident needs.   Routes are clearly indicated and can be easily revised upon request.  These maps are valuable tools for new drivers and trainees.

After completing many successful mapping jobs for waste/recycle companies in this area, Kroll was contacted about providing such mapping for an affiliate for Los Angeles County.  Using GIS resources at the County of Los Angeles, combined with more traditional service boundary maps, Kroll was able to provide quality service maps that our client in Southern California could print in their office and distribute.  Kroll efficiently groomed a cartographic base, to the same spatial standards as the existing GIS data at the county, and seamlessly imported the jurisdictions and service area boundaries.  Additionally, the customer provided historical boundary maps which were geo-referenced and transcribed to help form a map that details the service area for millions of waste/recycle collections.


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